Most cancers are thought to be related to lifestyle or environmental
factors, and large numbers undoubtedly could be prevented by judicious
changes in personal habits or avoidance of exposure to environmental
carcinogens. Research constantly reveals new facts about cancer's
causes, and as we learn the biological processes involve the potential
for preventing cancer increases substantially.
Unless a definite cause has been identified for a particular type
of cancer, little can be done to prevent it. Identification of
risk factors and increased surveillance for those at risk may
lead to earlier diagnosis and prompt treatment.
The best means of reducing cancer risk is to avoid unnecessary
exposure to known cancer-causing agents. Some preventive strategies
are applicable to more than one type of cancer, as well as to
other life-threatening conditions such as heart disease.
Avoid smoking and tobacco products. The most effective
step anyone can take in preventing premature death from many causes
is to stop smoking, or better still, never start.
Adopt and maintain a healthy diet. A diet including abundant
fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, and legumes provides fibre
and antioxidant vitamins. Switching to low-fat foods may forestall
some forms of cancer.
Avoid workplace and other environmental exposures. Protecting
workers and the public at large from carcinogenic substances at
a less than prohibitive cost has become a major social and economic
challenge. Passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and
creation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) in 1970 formalized the government's role in protecting
workers from occupational hazards. The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is charged with minimizing the presence of harmful
environmental pollutants. Although these governmental agencies
are constantly attacked for excess stringency or laxness, they
represent the basic framework for reduction of environmental and
occupational hazards.
Avoid or limit radiation exposure. Radiation's potential
benefits must always be weighed against possible risks. Routine
chest x-rays are no longer recommended as part of an annual physical
exam without clear indications of their benefit. Radiation therapy
is no longer used for relatively benign conditions such as acne
or tonsillitis because of the increased risk of cancer. In addition,
radiation dosage administered by modern x-ray machines has been
reduced markedly.
Avoid unprotected sun exposure. Ultraviolet light, which
causes cellular damage, is the most common cause of skin cancer.
A commonsense approach to sun exposure can prevent most cases
of this potentially disfiguring cancer. People with fair skin
should be particularly careful to limit their sun exposure. Although
most skin cancers are not life threatening, the increase in malignant
melanoma, a potentially lethal condition, is thought to be due
to increases in sun exposure.
Avoid unsafe sexual practices. Because of the role of sexually
transmitted diseases in the development of some types of cancer,
condom use, avoiding the exchange of bodily fluids, and maintaining
mutually monogamous sexual relationships are prudent preventive
use of certain plastics. Use of certain plastics not approved
for longterm storage of edible substances.