This website is designed to create
awareness about cancer, Role of Complementary Therapies
in improving the Quality of Life and updates in the area
of cancer and related fields. This site is not engaged
in rendering medical advice or professional services.
The information provided through this website should not
be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or
a disease. It is not a substitute for professional care.
If you have or suspect you may have a health problem,
you should consult your healthcare specialist. |
AM Charitable Trust was formed in
March 1998 to explore the possibility of solutions to
cancer using combination therapies (complementary therapies
in combination with conventional therapies such as chemotherapy,
radiotherapy and surgery. |
The Trust conducts the
free yoga theraphy sessions for cancer
patients in hospitals. The Trust
wishes to identify cancer hospitals
and yoga therapists to take our work forward for benefiting cancer patients. |
A. There is no easily definable cause
for cancer. It is not caused by normal kinds of viral
and other infections, though a certain type of stomach
cancer is associated with "Helicopylori" bacteria.
It is certainly known today that constant and persistent
itching, discomfort or lesions can become cancerous over time. |
My Tyrst with Cancer |