
- Born in Duddukur, Prakasham District
- Did M.B.B.S. and M. D. in Radiation Oncology from
Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University
- He worked in Kasturba Medical College, Manipal,
Karnataka as a Reader in the Department of Radiotherapy
and Oncology for 4 years until 1981.
- He was invited by Government of Maharashtra and
he worked as Professor and Head of the Department
of Radiotherapy at Government Medical College & Hospital,
Aurangabad from 1981 to June 2001.
- From 1998 onwards he worked as Dean and Professor
and Head of the Department of Radiotherapy at Government
Medical College, Aurangabad.
- He organized the Department of Radiation Oncology
at Government Medical College, Aurangabad from scratch
and made it as the best Cancer Centre in the Government
of Maharashtra
- He was Adviser to the Government of Maharashtra
in establishing Radiotherapy Centres in various Medical
Colleges. He has played key role in the development
of Radiotherapy Speciality in Government of Maharashtra.
- He has successfully organized the Departments of
Radiotherapy and Oncology in Government Medical Colleges
of Ambajogai, Miraj Sangli and Grant Medical College
and J.J. Groups of Hospitals, Mumbai
- He is Member, Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Babasaheb
Ambedkar Marathwada University
- He is Chairman, Board of Studies for Medicine, Radiology,
Paediatrics, Radiotherapy and allied branches in BAMU
- He is Senate Member, Maharashtra University of Health
Sciences, Nasik, Maharashtra
- He served as M.C.I. Inspector & U.P.S.C. Expert,
Government of India.
- He is Member, Nomination Committee for General Motors
Cancer Research Foundation, USA to award Cancer Research
Prizes, 1992.
- He is in the Selection Board of Professors at AIIMS,
New Delhi and Banaras Hindu University, Varnasi etc
- He organized the National Conference of the Association
of Radiation Oncologists of India in 1996
- He was Vice-President of Associate in Radiation
Oncologists of India during 1996-1998
- He has a number of Publications in various Journals
to his credit and presented papers in various National
and International Conferences.
- He joined as Director of MNJ Institute of Oncology
and Regional Cancer Centre, Hyderabad in June 2001.
- He has transformed the entire face of MNJ Institute
of Oncology and Regional Cancer Centre and upgraded
the facilities by adding new equipments & other treatment
facilities, by improving patient care, ambience and
cleanliness of the Institute
- He was invited by MD ANDERSON CANCER CENTER of University
of Texas as a visiting Professor and delivered a lecture
on " Cancer status in India" in Oct - Nov, 2003
- He has participated in various T V Programs covering
Panel Discussions/ Interviews
Awards Received |
- Recipient of prestigious "Vydyasiromani Award" on
the Occasion of Doctor's Day Celebrations at the State
level on 1st July, 2004.
- Recipient of prestigious " Rajiv Gandhi Shiromani
Award" for Outstanding Individual Achievements & Distinguished
Services to the Nation on the occasion of Birth anniversary
of Late Sri Rajiv Gandhi on 22nd August, 2004 at New
- Recipient of prestigious " Rashtriya Rattan Award
& Gold Medal along with Certificate of Medical Excellence
in Medical Science on 14th October, 2004 at Bangalore
- Recipient of prestigious " Indira Gandhi Sadbhavana
Award" on the occasion of Birth Anniversary of Late
Smt Indira Gandhi on 18th November, 2004 at Hyderabad
- Selected for prestigious "International Goldstar
Millennium Award" to be presented on 20th January,
2005 in Bangkok at the high level joint Indo-Thai
Conference on "Indo-Thai Friendship & Economic Co-operation".
Academic Qualifications : |
Degree / Position |
Name of the Institute/University
Year |
Institute of Medical Sciences
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Uttar Pradesh, India
1973 |
Internship |
Institute of Medical Sciences
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi |
1974 |
House Officer |
Department of Radiotherapy &
Radiation Medicine
Institute of Medical Science
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi |
1975 |
Junior Resident |
Department of Radiotherapy &
Radiation Medicine
Institute of Medical Sciences
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi |
1975-78 |
M.D.-Radiation Oncology |
Department of Radiotherapy &
Radiation Medicine
Institute of Medical Sciences
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
1978 |
Reader |
Department of Radiotherapy &
Kasturba Medical College & Hospital
Manipal, Karnakata
1978-81 |
Professor & HOD |
Department of Radiotherapy &
Government Medical College & Hospital
Aurangabad, Maharashtra |
1981-01 |
Dean |
Government Medical College &
Aurangabad, Maharashtra
1998-00 |
Director |
MNJ Institute of Oncology &
Regional Cancer Centre, Hyderabad.
2001-Till date |